Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Why should caliph Umar stop people from temporary marriage, for what reason. What actually happened as at then?

There is a hadith that said ';what is halal during Prophet is halal till the end of the world and as well what is haram will remain haram till the end of the world also. So, what reason has he to ulter what God has decreed to his servants?Why should caliph Umar stop people from temporary marriage, for what reason. What actually happened as at then?
hadiths are just additions to the koran and written by men such as Blair.bush. It is unlikely that in 1600 years we'll still be following Blair's/Bushe's rules so can't get why hadiths are still followedWhy should caliph Umar stop people from temporary marriage, for what reason. What actually happened as at then?
Why ask if you already know the answer? You asked for the reason why, and the reason is obviously practicality.

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Umar believed that divorce would lead to marriages of convenience concerning money and social status, and this would lead to a fallout from the true reasons of marriage, that of childbearing and veneration of Allah, it is more than likely true that this is exactly what would happen. Often times the hadith can say as it pleases, but it is something practical that causes Law to change and halal become haram. His reasons would have been, at that point, in the interests of God, and should not be considered alterations, so much as practicality.
my friend that is why islam seems so messed up, because people keep doing whatever they fancy. It just isn't clear.

change religion asap.
Dunno am not muslim
didn't get it.

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