Friday, July 30, 2010

I hear people say gay marriage would hurt straight marriage and/or society, but is there any proof?

Is there any hard evidence that same sex couples uniting in marriage like everyone else would damage society? Please don't quote something that is only about gay people in general. I want to know specifically about same sex marriage.I hear people say gay marriage would hurt straight marriage and/or society, but is there any proof?
Unfortunately people don't read about their politics. I was/am

For No on Proposition 8 (California marriage should still be legal for gays)

But there are catches to it, and it does bring up a little bit of a

social argument and also fiscal defecates.

1) Kids naturally would ask teachers about it, and what are they suppose to say?

2) Why does certain churches only marry some and not others? this

would make contraversey (although i believe the church should have

the right to marry who they want)

3) Benefits within working buldings is now availble to more people and

insurances for them would also cost more money for people

4) Two friends could get married just to benefit for insurance (whether or not they are really into one another or not) this would be fraud.

(And trust me MANY people would do this)

So it isn't as simple as many people phrase.

Damage society? No. Harmful? No.

Changes for the society and economy? Yes.

I hear people say gay marriage would hurt straight marriage and/or society, but is there any proof?
The American critics of same-sex marriage betray their provincialism with this argument. The fact is that a form of gay marriage has been legal in Denmark since 1989 (full marriage rights except for adoption rights and church weddings, and a proposal now exists in the Danish parliament to allow both of those rights as well), and most of the rest of Scandinavia from not long after. Full marriage rights have existed in many Dutch cities for several years, and it was recently made legal nationwide, including the word ';marriage'; to describe it. In other words, we have a long-running ';experiment'; to examine for its results -- which have uniformly been positive. Opposition to the Danish law was led by the clergy (much the same as in the States). A survey conducted at the time revealed that 72 percent of Danish clergy were opposed to the law. It was passed anyway, and the change in the attitude of the clergy there has been dramatic -- a survey conducted in 1995 indicated that 89 percent of the Danish clergy now admit that the law is a good one and has had many beneficial effects, including a reduction in suicide, a reduction in the spread of sexually transmitted diseases and in promiscuity and infidelity among gays. Far from leading to the ';destruction of Western civilization'; as some critics (including the Southern Baptist, Mormon and Catholic churches among others) have warned, the result of the ';experiment'; has actually been civilizing and strengthening, not just to the institution of marriage, but to society as a whole. So perhaps we should accept the fact that someone else has already done the ';experiment'; and accept the results as positive. The fact that many churches are not willing to accept this evidence says more about the churches than it does about gay marriage.
Christian Conservatives choose this stance because they say that gay couples who want to get married at a church, but the church refuses to let them get married there deny them for religious reasons can sue the church. This is only true insofar as discrimination is concerned. Those cases where it was a place open to the public, and the couple was not allowed to get married there, the church was successfully sued. Places specifically only for members of that religion were not. Theyre twisting evidence for their own gain.

Gay Marriage would NOT hurt society.
If my gay neighbors get married, it doesn't affect me and my marriage any more than anything else they do in their private lives. I can't imagine how their lifestyle could crawl across the lot line and invade my house. That's just silly.

This is just another example of fabricated ';dangers'; designed to put gays down.
Yep. it would definitely help the overpopulation crisis, one of the things religious nutcases refuse to tell you. It would help starving children have homes and good lives. It would help people accept each other in general. It would help some kids stop commiting suicide.
Yes. There's proof from all the other countries like Canada and European countries where same-sex marriage has been legalized and no ill effects whatsoever have been noticed.
The ';hurt'; comes from the implication that gay marriage is impure and would destroy the traditional values of the union between a man and woman.
There is NO hard evidence at all. People are just trying to cook up reasons to deny gays.

It would convert all the straight kids in the world to be gay!

Watchlisting - I would like to see this so-called proof!
no. I live in Canada and straight people seem to be perfectly fine...

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