Friday, July 30, 2010

How much longer can the Conservatives use the argument that gay marriage hurts the sanctity of marriage?

They will use it for as long as they can in order to further their ignorant agenda(s). Funny how divorce is a normal thing, and it for some odd strange reason does not destroy the sanctity of marriage, according to these people, but gay marriage does?How much longer can the Conservatives use the argument that gay marriage hurts the sanctity of marriage?
The word Marriage is what keeps this issue from getting resolved.

From what I understand all Gays really want is for them and their partner to be able to receive the same benefits afforded to married couples.

The Government aka State should not have a role in Church matters per Separation of Church and State!

First of all there is not a nation on earth that can force the Catholic Church or the Jewish Church to celebrate the Sacrament of Marriage between two people of the same sex. It just won't happen.

However, the Government should pass legislation that would allow Gay couples to receive the same benefits afforded to married couples without using the word Marriage.

Call it a Civil Union or Domestic Partnership.

Civil Unions or Domestic Partnerships would be the answer for Gays and others in similar situations such as elderly brothers or sisters living together.

This issue would have been resolved by now if it were not for the word Marriage and that Gays are pressing the issue.

As it stands the issue is too valuable to Politicians not to resolve but to use for their individual political gains.How much longer can the Conservatives use the argument that gay marriage hurts the sanctity of marriage?
Liberals want same sex marriage because it is incomprehensible to a liberal how can a person enjoy any activity or relationship without the seal of approval of government license. My boyfriend and I do not want to obtain such a license and subject ourselves to 10 volumes of government regulations. Our relationship involves no children and hence the government has no business is regulating our relationship via oppressive institution of ';gay marriage';.

Our actual interest common to all gays is less taxes, and less government and less welfare spending on octomom breeders. In other words liberals have absolutely no claim to represent us.
Forever. They can argue this point forever, and they probably will, since their voting base is now pared down to only people who wholeheartedly swallow this nonsense, anyway. The only difference to measure, after one more hypocrisy piles on top of the heap of Republican immorality and infidelity, is how many people are actually buying into the argument.
Not certain and I'm a Republican. Sometimes I hate having the FAR right being involved in our party..but they are usually good for a few votes with some false promises.
Gay people can't commit to each other but right-winger can break any Commandment they want to, gimme a break.
Another 30 seconds
no much longer
When people close their bibles
With their base forever.

With the rest of us...we stopped caring a long time ago. If we ever did.
As long as we feel like it.

Dont you have a gay wedding shower to attend?
I don't think a baboon life style is legitimate

Just because 2 gay monkeys..bong each other doesn't make it right

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