Friday, November 25, 2011

If gay marriage become legal, would you practice abstinence?

I mean, for gays and lesbians.

I asked this question a few months ago, I just wondering what would be the answer now.

Mini poll: Pizza or Pancake?If gay marriage become legal, would you practice abstinence?
Good question.

And no. ^.^ I'm really responsible and picky as it is, though.

MP: Pizza.If gay marriage become legal, would you practice abstinence?
I used to go to conservative churches that teach that abstinence crap, and I learned that the leaders of these churches actually crack jokes about 30 and 40 year-old virgins behind their backs. Now I just send my Christian friends to the site below which debunks the whole thing against premarital sex in the Bible. It covers same-sex lifestyles too. I hope it helps you.
Well..i don't practice abstinence now and don't have plans for it wither in future!!


But..I think most homosexuals will not practice abstinence only IF they were doing it so for the legalization of gay marriages!!

MP:Surly a PIZZA!!
From what I've heard, abstinence among gays and lesbians is extremely rare. What you mean is ';chastity'; or ';faithfulness'; in which case I see no correlation, as normal people cheat on their spouses all the time.
No, but I'm very responsible and won't just sleep with anyone. I'd have to know them for a while. And I mean Really know them.

Pizza (veggie supreme!!)
I fail to see how the two are linked any more after legalization of gay marriage than they would be before?

Sorry, it just may be my standpoint, but I just don't see cause and efect.
I would like to be married after 23 or 25 so for to wait that long is not a possibility, but that does not mean I will be promiscuous.
Why would I practice abstinence??

Of course I would. I intend to anyway, I'm still a virgin. %26lt;3

what does being gay have to does gay marriage have to do with abstinence? people are going to do the same that they did before marriage was legal
me personally no but if my girlfriend wants to than i will try it.

organic cheese pizza
Why would they?

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