Friday, November 25, 2011

How is marriage going to ';not make STDs work';?

You know how those sex ed teachers at your schools always say not to have sex before marriage because you will get STDs and pregnancy? Well i understood the pregnancy part but if you get married, do you still get STDs if you have sex? I know that teens can get STDs but do adults get them too? many questions...but these are the two main ones...How is marriage going to ';not make STDs work';?
Yes adults get STD's too. Any person can get STD's by sleeping with more then 1 person. When you have sex with someone, you also have sex with whoever the other person slept with. Being chaste before marriage keeps you from having STD's (if you both remain faithful to each other) because if you only have sex with your spouse and your spouse has only had sex with you. I am one of those people who isn't going to have sex before marriage.How is marriage going to ';not make STDs work';?
anybody can get an std. they say you wont get one if you're married because the schools say you should stay a virgin till you're married which would mean whoever you marry would be a virgin and you wouldn't get an std. however by the time most people get married they are no longer virgins so its possible one of them could have an std. and yes after you get married you can still get an std if you or spouse cheats. if you're gonna have sex, just use protection and get tested regularly and you should be fine.
Two persons who are clean (not affected by STD) will never get STD's if they stay together as in marriage. STD's is only spread from sleeping around!

Adults can also get STD's if they sleep around (with other people) the block, around the town, around the State, around the country and around the globe. Understand now?
according to my health teacher 1 in 4 sexually active ppl over the age of 20 have an STD. You can only get an STD through sexual intercourse if the other person has one

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